研究室のミッション | Mission of NULID Lab


    Today, our societies are facing a complex and diverse challenges, including the increasing risk of natural disasters caused by large-scale earthquakes and climate change, rapid social changes such as the aging society and the infrastructures.Against this backdrop, it is needed to integrate knowledge and technologies through interdisciplinary studies inside and outside of civil engineering discipline, to close the real problems through co-designing with local stakeholders, and to implement the civil engineering technologies in the society.The Land and Infrastructure Design Laboratory (NULID Lab) was established in November 2014 with the aims of creating new academic discipline and methodologies to achieve a sustainable and resilient society.


    研究テーマ | Research topics



    • レジリエント沿岸都市圏のデザイン手法
    • - 自然災害のリスク分析、重要インフラ等の機能喪失による影響分析
      - 上記分析に基づくリスク評価
      - ハード対策とソフト対策のベストミックス

    • しなやかで持続可能な国土のためのモニタリングデータ・ビッグデータ・IoT活用
    • - 津波観測の津波即時推定における沖合GPS波浪計と海洋レーダの有用性

    • 魅力ある沿岸域創出に向けた里海の事例分析
    • - 島嶼の発展性における要因分析



      • 発展途上国における気候変動適応策の立案支援
      • 都市での市民力による里川再生の実践
      • 水と社会の相互関係に着目した国土・流域史
      • 社会水文学(socio-hydrology)に関する基礎研究

      • 国土デザイン手法構築に向けた実践


      Development of design methods to a resilient and sustainable society

      The "Compact City + Network" is being promoted as a measure to address issues such as a aging population and tight public finances. On the other hand, the Great East Japan Earthquake made it clear that the resilience of national and local governments is important for disaster prevention, mitigation, recovery and reconstruction. In addition to “the compact city”, we will explore methods for designing a resilient and sustainable societies that take into account the room for natural disasters.

      • Design methods for resilient coastal urban areas
      • - Risk analysis of natural disasters, analysis of the impacts on damaged functions of critical infrastructure, etc.
        - Risk assessment based on the above analysis
        - The best mix of hard and soft measures

      • Utilization of monitoring data, big data and IoT for a resilient and sustainable societies
      • - Usefulness of offshore GPS wave gauges and ocean radars for Tsunami observations

      • Case studies of the “Sato-umi” for developing attractive coastal areas
      • - Factor analysis of development potential in islands

      Researches for designing a sustainable water society

    We study design methods based on the watershed units to achieve a sustainable and resilient society that can adapt to natural and social changes such as climate change and population decline/increase.

    • Climate change adaptation planning in developing countries
    • Designing green infrastructures and river restorations in urban areas
    • Historical processes of the interaction between water and society
    • Socio-hydrological studies in the Asian countries

    Social implementations

    We are working with various stakeholders in local societies to discover their issues and validate our design methods. The target sites are Nagoya, Zenpukuji River/Tokyo, Chile, Bangkok/Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, Palau, and so on.
